Monday, August 29, 2011

Remember Sweatshirts?

So, maybe once or twice per year, either my wife or I (usually me) will say something funny that gets us both laughing so hard we can't stop laughing or crying, and we can't breathe! Last year, that hilarious statement was 'remember sweatshirts'? I know it doesn't sound very funny out of context, but Alisha and I had just gone to bed and I had the air on and the fan going (can't stand to be hot when I sleep) and just blurted it out - "Remember Sweatshirts"? We both laughed so hard! Every once in a while one of us will just say it to each other and crack up laughing.

This week, we had another moment like this. It was Saturday morning, and Alisha and I were talking, and a song lyric came into my head. I couldn't remember the tune so I made it up. I started singing in a flat, monotone voice - like a durge - "when I was a child, I thought as a child" - I still couldn't remember the tune and Alisha interrupts me, and says "why are you singing 1 Corinthians 13"? I busted out laughing, not realizing what I was singing, and then we both started up and before I knew it we were both crying and laughing and so I kept going, "now I am a man, I have put away childish things"... followed by more laughter and tears... any ways, I am truly thankful for laughter and little moments I get to share w/ my wife like this!

It has been a little while since I was able to post. School started back for me (I work at a school - I don't attend school, just in case you were wondering), and things are in full swing. I was hesitant about how many changes were taking place but things have truly gone well (although busy days!). I have much to be thankful for!

96. It is chilly outside - no lie! It is wonderful. Alisha and I went for a walk tonight and I wore a long-sleeved shirt! I LOVE IT!
97. I love being able to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies, and am thankful for the resources to be able to do so - not only the ingredients, but the supplies, power to be able to cook with, and working appliances... sometimes I take these for granted...
98. We have truly been through a lot in the last week or two - an earthquake then a hurricane, and we had very minimal damage and no loss of power! God was truly gracious to us.
99. I am thankful for friends who challenge me during the week - getting e-mails from my small group and reading others' opinions on current topics or ways the gospel is ring subtly attacked in our society - it is truly a reminder to 'test the spirits' and not just take it for what it appears
100. I am thankful for the assurance of my salvation, though sometimes I doubt it - and assurance that Jesus Christ is completing His work in me until completion
101. I am thankful that someone donated some tickets to a sporting event that I get to go w/ my family and a friend! Truly a blessing in a financially difficult time for my family.
102. While things didn't work out as I anticipated with a potential new (to us) car, I am thankful that Alisha and I have two safe and sound cars to transport us around freely and without worrying if they will break down.
103. I am so thankful for the blessing of my parents who take the time to help and serve us. My mom came down and helped me get a bunch of things done around the house. My dad has done a lot of work on our cars and let his wife come down to help us (while he had to fend for himself).
104. I am thankful for rest! The sermon on Sunday was reviewing the Sabbath and the concept of rest, and although I tend to be overly 'busy', I am thankful for moments of peace, rest and relaxation.
105. I am thankful for the kindness and encouragement of friends!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I'm back!

I've been slacking the past couple of weeks in posting my additions to the blog. It's not that I haven't been looking for God's everyday gifts, but just haven't put them into blog form. We had a great 5th anniversary weekend away at the was perfect timing as this past week has been very hectic for me! Between work and finals for school, I think that is almost all I did most of the week. Jim was able to get some things done he'd wanted to work on and just take time to relax during his week off before the school schedule begins-it was a full week for both of us, which has resulted in a little bit of chaos around the house! My goal today is to try to clean...although I don't even know where to start. :S Even in the midst of our bit of chaos, God continues to provide daily reminders of beauty and grace.

85. a much-needed break from God's perfect timing (funding was unavailable this semester-a forced but welcome break!)
86. finishing the semester well
87. rest for my hard-working husband-a well-deserved week off!
88. sounds and smells of outdoors in the early morning
89. quiet solitude on the beach at sunrise
90. golden light on rolling waves-heavens displaying God's glory
91. trials throughout the past year-Romans 5:3-5
91. basking in the truth and beginning to understand that God is FOR me.
92. pre-storm breezes blowing through curtains
93. late summer rainstorms
94. opportunities to use skills (interpreting jobs given)
95. anticipation of coming celebrations


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sometimes this is hard!

So, today has been a difficult day for me. I went out to my car this morning to quickly grab something and realized someone had broken in and stolen several of our belongings including a $600 camera, satellite radio receiver, and some other things. At first, I was okay w/ it and maintained a good attitude. As the day progressed, things continued to etch away at that good attitude, and I was having a difficult time being thankful. In fact, Alisha was trying to encourage me to be thankful, and I just didn't want to do anything but lay in my bed and shut out the world for a while. I can't believe how stubborn I am in moments of difficulty. My true self shines through in these tough times and I realize how self-centered/self-focused my life is. At times when I get discouraged, I don't truly want to change my mindset - instead I want to wallow in it and make others feel bad for me too. I have much to learn. I pray that God changes my heart as left to myself I will continue to be this way...

I spent the afternoon scrounging around my house to find things I could sell online or on Craigslist to buy another camera before Graham comes... I listed several things, and this evening after small group found out that I sold one thing and had an inquiry for another. There's $35 I didn't have this morning...

81. I am thankful that God in His providence, allowed these things to be taken and that I can trust Him to continue to provide abundantly for my family.
82. I am thankful that I had such a quick response on a few of these items already
83. I am thankful for a wife who does challenge/exhort me during times when I am so self-centered
84. I am thankful for a small group who cares for each other and supports each other. We put together a care package for a deployed small group member tonight and had a blast taking pictures, writing funny notes and making some videos...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

5 Years of Marriage = Much to be thankful for

Alisha and I celebrated our five-year wedding anniversary last Friday! That night during dinner, we had a chance to reflect on the past year. We started this ‘exercise’ (if you will) last year where we share the top three things in various categories, such as: funniest moments, things we have learned, favorite trips, hardest times, most memorable moments, etc. This has truly been a blessing both years we have done it, and I know we will continue doing it for years to come.

I think it is important to look back and reflect, although I rarely do it. This blog is a way to reflect, a discipline I hope to internalize – reflecting on the blessings God has poured out so lavishly on our lives. I have much to be thankful for!

71. I am thankful we ended up leaving late yesterday (although it was very stressful until we arrived) because we missed a lot of traffic and an accident on 64. We would have been sitting forever in accident-traffic

72. Thankful for amazingly delicious seafood on the waterfront to celebrate 5 years of marriage

73. As strange as it sounds, I am thankful for the little lights you put up in front of a camper shaped like different things – they remind me of when I was younger and used to go camping w/ my grandparents…

74. Thankful for times of reflection and talking about the great and difficult things that happened this year

75. Thankful for some quality time w/ my parents and Megan

76. Thankful for the eye-opening experience of watching a toddler for a whole weekend

77. Thankful that my wife and I have stayed together for 5 years – through ups and downs

78. Thankful for hospitality of some good friends and yummy food!

79. Thankful for good talks with distant friends – encouraging and thought-provoking

80. Thankful for forgiveness from others when we hurt or disappoint them

Monday, August 8, 2011

O Happy Day!

I had a wonderful day today. I don't suppose I truly feel that way very often, so I will capitalize on this moment. This is the first week without any clients at work - this is our training and preparation/catch up on paperwork week, and I wasn't really sure how it would go today. I was met with a wonderfully busy day filled with laughter and accomplishment. We were able to do some team-building activities (always worried about those, LOL) which turned out to be hilarious and in my opinion, were huge success.

After work, my co-workers went to Mangia for 'happy hour', and while I didn't drink, those $2 appetizers hit the spot. This time was also filled with lots of laughter and was just a fun time! In the midst of occasional uncertainty, it was great to know that there are some good relationships being formed.

Alisha is doing a project for school where she has to interview and do vocational testing on two individuals, of which I am one. Through the experience, I do believe I am where God has gifted me, but am also uncertain about the longevity of this type of work, and am wondering what kind of career path is in front of me. I don't know why I have this ridiculous need to know what I am doing with my life - the allure of control I suppose is ever beckoning me. I am blessed to have a wife who is full of wisdom and who will listen to me, naming things/tendencies in me that can get me in trouble, and helping to ground my craziness. I am trying to rest in God's goodness and His perfect will for my life.

61. The Shower Being Done!
62. A wife who provides wise feedback - full of grace and humility, and reality!
63. Barriers being broken down and relationships being built!
64. Laughter and fun at work!
65. A nice break from the chaos that is 'summer Therapeutic Day Treatment program'
66. I am thankful for the road/path that God has brought me vocationally over the past 3 years
67. Talking to my boy en-eutero and feeling him kick
68. A Lunch break! - First one I have had since I started at DDS! Got to walk across the street and visit with Alisha for a few minutes today.
69. I am thankful to have a wife that is so active in the community - now she is piloting a study of how technology (iPad, iPod, iPhone) can be used in supportive employment (cool toys!)
70. Prospect of the beach this weekend! I am eagerly anticipating the smell of the ocean!

Halleluia, It's done!

Other than a few minor touches, the shower is done! I am certainly thankful to be able to use it tonight! Here are some pictures! This quick weekend project has turned into an 8 day affair, but it is finally completed. I am happy with how it has come out and am truly blessed to have a wife who was not hysterical about not having a bath/shower for a whole week. Thanks to our dear friends for letting us shower at their homes this week!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

ALL is grace

Sometimes I hear people say things like "If God is so loving, why are there bad things in the world?" or "Why do bad things happen to good people?" We were discussing this in small group the other night, how skewed our human, Americanized perspectives can be. We have a sense of "everything should be fair", in the way that we equate fairness. Rather than starting from a perspective of God is holy, and any amount of good given is grace. God gives specific grace in salvation, saving us from our sinful state and giving us new life, but He also demonstrates daily His graces. Restraining grace-none of us are innately good, in fact, we're just the opposite. The only reason we aren't as awful as we are capable of is due to His restraining grace. Without that, we are all just as capable of horrific acts as any terrorist or tyrant.

This concept of daily graces-ALL is grace-is much easier said than done. Especially when it deals with personal things, small things in our everyday that bring annoyances or frustration or the question of "Why?" Friday was one of those days for me. My doctor's visit didn't go as planned, and I now have to go back for a 4 hour test; I feel like the nurses weren't listening to what I was trying to tell them about my body, just what the numbers and books say. My waitress was rude at lunch, I had a horrible headache, and felt as though my trying to be accommodating for a reporter was met with the cold shoulder. Thankfulness-and grace-were not at the top of my list that day. I struggled. A lot. But still, there were graces abounding even then, and throughout the weekend...

51. tests to determine if there truly is cause for concern; doctor's ability to help take care of this sweet boy
52. God-given wisdom to have learned (and continue learning) about nutrition, and what truly is helpful and harmful for my body
53. girls' weekends-lots of nothing filled to the brim with lots of joy and laughter
54. summer nights, slightly sticky
55. the anticipation of autumn
56. the ability to give grace to others; expecting nothing in return and realizing that is the gift of grace-giving it away.
57. a group of friends to share life with-stresses, worries, joys and silliness
58. a cool home in the midst of heat and humidity
59. bird-watching out my window
60. quiet mornings-pondering, growing


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We've Reached 5% of our list!

My Turn!

I was thinking tonight I needed to sit and get some things written down that I am thankful for. It has been a long week already and I am very much looking forward to the weekend!

41. A nice talk with my Mom last night - haven't spoken with her in a while and it was really nice to chat (hopefully will get to see them soon)
42. Fun date night with Alisha this evening. We walked downtown and near where they have Friday Cheers they put in a new fountain that pretty much shoots water up in the air in the middle of the 'dance floor' - it was nice to sit and listen to it and feel the cool breeze!
43. God saving me from so many awful situations I see some of my clients live in
44. I am thankful for the random kindness of friends - someone crocheted us a blanket and little hat for baby Meador
45. Boundaries around my work schedule
46. My sister and brother in law got a new apartment closer to both of their jobs! They are very excited to get to move out on their own again and have such a nice place
47. Thankful for the plumber giving us some free advice today when he could have charged for the visit
48. I am thankful for my new TOMS which came in the mail today. They are one for one - for every pair you buy from them, one pair goes to a child who doesn't have shoes -
49. I am truly thankful for a safe pregnancy thus far - THIRD Trimester now!
50. Have I said backrubs yet? If not, it has to go on the list. If I have, I think it deserves two slots in the 1,000.

This has been a crazy experience so far, and we are just starting. Maybe you would consider doing a blog like ours and allow the Lord to start cultivating a mindset of thankfulness in you. If you are not the blogging type, I hope that ours may be an encouragement to you.

In the words of Loverboy, "Everybody's working for the weekend"


As I write this, Jim is working at cleaning up the bathroom-it's almost done, and looks wonderful!! He just has to seal it and then we'll be ready to actually shower in it. Poor guy is exhausted from all the work, on top of his job and helping some friends, but I think it's a good tired. The kind of tired that comes from accomplishing things and working with your hands. I told him tonight his hands looked very "rugged", I suppose it is from all the tiling and cutting and grouting he's been doing. I kind of like it. Me? I'm just tired from pregnancy, although I suppose having a child grow in my body is pretty hard work too. That, and it has been a long week at work. Praise the Lord for His grace, however, in the midst of chaos He's provided peace and a sense of calm.

#31: rugged hands of my husband that visibly show the care and effort he's put into his work
#32: a cooling breeze after a short rain
#33: the sound of birds chirping outside an office window, reminding me that there is a lot more to life than just what goes on within those walls
#34: birds in our birdbath, on time, every day (if you're wondering bath time is apparently around 5:45 pm)
#35: Wednesday date nights
#36: exploring our downtown a little more through a peaceful evening walk
#36: friendships that allow just stopping in and staying to help
#37: the current sound of running water in our bathtub!
#38: our new chair, providing a place to prop up swollen feet
#39: going through pregnancy with a good friend
#40: transparency. Living life with others.

I soon shall be off to soak in a nice bath...goodnight.
