Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Graham Hembry-A Birth Story: Part 2
We arrived at the hospital, and while we'd pre-registered, were still required to check in, make a payment, etc. I was able to breathe through the contractions while sitting there, then rode the elevator up to the birth center floor. They definitely took their sweet time in getting me checked in, weighed, in the room (which wasn't a delivery room, just one to monitor before officially checking someone in)...all the while my contractions were starting to increase in intensity. Once in the room, I was hooked up to the monitors and left for about 20 minute intervals to monitor my contractions. They were having trouble tracking G's heartbeat, so I had to lie there for over an hour, some on my side, some on my back. When having contractions, that was not the most pleasant experience. They checked me and I was only dilated to a 3 when I arrived, and after that first hour and a half, I was still only a 3, so they advised me to walk. Walk I, Jim and I walked all around the floor for about 45 minutes; I was having to stop and breathe through the contractions whenever they came, holding on to the railings on the wall and Jim rubbing my back. When we got back to the room, they hooked me up to the monitors again and re-checked me; I was STILL only a 3! Ugh. That discouraged me a lot, as the contractions were pretty painful already. I kept telling Jim "I don't want to do this, I don't know how!" and he kept saying "You are doing it! You're doing it." Thank God for him-I don't know how I would have managed.
Knowing I wanted a natural birth, they gave me the option to go home and labor instead of staying there, which we decided to do, so as not be pressured by anyone regarding drugs/medicines, etc. We arrived home around 8:30 pm and I tried lying in bed with Pride and Prejudice on the computer; Jim and mom and Carol taking turns rubbing my back. This worked for a while and I was able to rest a bit, but soon the contractions were too strong and I did not want to lie still. I jumped off the bed and was walking around, then decided to get in the shower. At this point it gets a little fuzzy...I was in the shower/bath for the majority of the next 2 hours. Jim tried to get me to eat a little, but I wasn't able to swallow much except a few grapes and a couple crackers. Mom poured me a glass of wine to help me relax (and before you freak out-this is much more safe than any of the drugs I would have had at the hospital!), and I went back and forth between sitting and having my back rubbed and being in the shower.
I labored differently with each person helping-with mom, I just wanted her to help me breathe. Carol would just talk to me like normal and I was able to focus on conversation and not as much on the contractions. Jim would talk to me about things we had done/things we had planned, so as to keep my mind off the pain. I was also repeatedly asking for drugs! :) In the shower, I started...moaning?...I don't know what you would call it, but it felt good to make some noise and have it reverberate off the shower walls-this helped immensely when a contraction came on. At some point, I realized they were getting extremely strong, and I would feel my body wanting to push. I told mom this and they called the hospital, who informed them that since it was my first baby, it was highly unlikely I'd progressed that quickly, and just to take "comfort measures" (I think this was sometime shortly after 11 pm). I tried to just focus, but they continued to intensify; Carol came back over and helped time the contractions...when she realized they were lasting 2-3 minutes and with little to no break (maybe 30 seconds) we decided it was time to go to the hospital-mom called to let them know we were on our way. I did NOT want to get out of the shower; Jim had to coax me out in between contractions, and threw some clothes on me to get in the car. We left around 12:15 am on November 8th.
That car ride was the most miserable experience I have ever had-sorry, but while birth was a beautiful, natural thing, it was painful like nothing I've ever experienced. For days afterwards I kept thinking "I don't EVER want to do that again!" I think part of it may have been made worse by my fear that I wasn't progressing...I was thinking, "If I'm only a 5 or 6 and already feeling like I have to push, I can't do this!" I told mom and Jim that on the way to the hospital-that if I wasn't progressing, we were seriously going to consider something to take the edge off (even though I honestly didn't want this, but the pain was just too intense). Mom helped me breathe through each contraction in the car, and as soon as we pulled up they got a wheelchair and wheeled me in. Jim laughs at this part, because it was the exact opposite of when we checked in earlier. This time, I was semi crying/moaning, sopping wet, trying to breathe, in a wheelchair...they just looked at me and said "go on up, we already called ahead!"
I was taken straight to a delivery room, and the nurse had to get me hooked up to a monitor, which I was fighting like crazy, because I didn't want to sit still again. I had another contraction and told her I needed to push; she wouldn't let me at first until I was hooked up. Another came soon thereafter, and I said "I really need to push!" and to my surprise (and relief!) she said "OK, go ahead!" She checked me while I was pushing, I heard Jim ask how much I was dilated and she said "She's pretty much fully dilated" and she could see his head! I can't even tell you how excited I was to hear that! Not long thereafter-a few more small pushes, and he was close enough to crowning that they called the doctor in. Pushing was HARD-I kept wanting to make noise/yell when pushing and they kept telling me to hold my breath...I finally got it down after a bit. I don't have a concept of time at this point, but about 1/2 way through pushing my water broke, which felt wonderfully relieving, and with only about 45 minutes of pushing, out he came at 1:53 am!
When his head came out, the cord was wrapped around his neck too tightly to pull over his head, so the doctor had to cut it right away. Another couple of pushes and he was out-I remember Carol saying "Open your eyes!" and I did and there was my son! It was the most surreal experience I can imagine-and almost immediate relief once he was out. He had merconium in utero (his first poop) so they took him immediately and suctioned him. I didn't know it then, but the neo-natal team was in there, as that can cause an infection...Jim said it was a bit scary. I delivered the placenta and had to have some stitches...all the while they were still working on him. He was a bit weezy and they were concerned he had some respiratory issues; they were about to call the neo-natal team back in when one nurse (bless her!) said "Why don't we just put him on mom and see what happens?" They put him on my chest and he immediately started breathing normally. That was probably the sweetest moment of my life, to feel your child and know that what he needed was to be with his mama. Looking back, had I known he wasn't in any real danger, I would have insisted he be put on me immediately (as we planned) but thinking he was in danger, I let them do what I thought needed to be done. Thankfully he is a healthy boy!
That's the basics of the birth since has been a whirlwind, which I'm going to try and blog about as well-one of these days. :)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Graham Hembry-A Birth Story Part 1
We'll start with November 1st, my due date. I started my maternity leave on this date, not knowing if I'd have a baby yet or not. I'd had periodic contractions here and there, but just pre-labor type; nothing to write home about. I had a doctor's appt. that day and was only dilated to about 1, which is where I was the week prior. It was a bit discouraging, but I kept reminding myself that God had this planned before the beginning of time, so Graham would come exactly when he was supposed to. That was difficult though, as my mom was coming into town the next day, and I wanted her to have time with him as well. That night, since it was officially our last night just the two of us, we used a gift certificate generously given to us by small group, and went out to Mangia for a dinner date. The waiter seemed a bit surprised when he asked my due date and I said "today!", but thankfully, my water didn't break while there!
Mom came the next day, and, looking back, it was really nice to have a few days with her here just us-we were able to get things done around the house, spend time together shopping and talking and just being mom and daughter. We won't get that time back and it is precious to me. On Friday, November 4th, I felt a little different and seemed to have to pee every 2 minutes. I wasn't sure if this was possibly amniotic fluid leaking or if he was just getting more into position, so we stopped at the doctor's office and after an hour were able to see the nurse practitioner. I thankfully was not leaking any fluid, but also hadn't progressed much from earlier in the week. Sunday the 6th, after church we decided to go for a walk on Blackwater Creek Trail. I was having some more contractions and feeling a lot more pressure, which I took as a good sign. However, no labor yet.
We went to bed after "The Next Iron Chef" on Sunday night, and I slept very very well, better than I had in a while. I deem this providential, as I awoke Monday morning at 6 am with a contraction. At first, I didn't realize what was going on; I was in the middle of a dream and in the dream something had happened I was afraid I was in trouble for, so I thought that I was woken because of that. I then realized that it was slightly painful (not much) and started timing them. I laid in bed for the next hour timing the contractions, which were around 10 minutes apart on average. Around 7, I got out of bed, made some coffee and had a wonderful time spent reading my Bible and praying, excited and nervous for the day ahead! When mom and Jim got up, I let them know I was having contractions and we continued to time them using the app on my iPod. Jim made a big breakfast for us (bacon and eggs) and then we all got ready to run some errands.
-Oh-I forgot to note! this was the first day of Jim's 2 week leave from work as well-he had to start it on this day because of some trainings going on, so again, how providential that my labor would happen now!-
Anyway...back to Monday. Jim suggested maybe I should go to the chiropractor again to make sure everything was in line and ready to go for labor. I had already gone 2 other times in the past couple weeks, but decided if they could fit me in, why not? I called around 11:30 and they had an opening at noon, so we all got in the car and headed over. Following that appointment, we went to Target because I wanted to get a hooded towel for Graham (I was obsessed with these things, I don't really know why!) While there, I noticed my contractions getting a little stronger. This, combined with being hungry made me a bit grouchy, and Jim and I were a bit snippy with each other for a few minutes, til we realized we were being ridiculous. We all decided we needed food, so went to Moe's for lunch (me reluctantly at first-I'm a Chipotle girl). However, they have changed their menu and it wasn't that bad, I have to admit. While there, we were still timing contractions, and they were between 8-10 minutes apart. Following lunch, we dropped mom off to visit a friend and Jim and I ran to the mall. I was feeling tired, so stayed in the car while he ran in to purchase something. While in the car, I noted that they were getting closer together-around 7 minutes apart. Jim came back out and I let him know this; we went ahead and picked up mom, then had to stop at Kroger. In that amount of time, they progressed to around 5 minutes apart; when we left Kroger after 15 minutes or so, they were between 4-5 minutes apart.
We got home and I ate some toast to have something in my stomach, sat on the birthing ball to stretch my hips and kept timing...they remained at 4ish minutes for over an hour and were increasing in intensity, so we decided to go to the hospital. At this point I could still talk through the contractions, but had to stop and breathe a bit for each one before moving on; it was around 4:30 pm on November 7th.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
It's Been Awhile!
It's Jim... Things have gone so quickly, it is hard to believe it has been so long since I posted. To tell the truth, I have been less focused on reflecting on the things I am thankful for, having been caught up in the whirlwind of baby Graham being born. I have so much to be thankful for and so much that I am thankful for. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is only a week away. Here are a few things I am thankful for:
116. Safe and healthy birth of my little boy
117. Staring at Graham's eyes and realizing that his helplessness and total dependence on us is a picture of our total helplessness and total dependence on our heavenly Father
118. Laughing and crying w/ my wife at the changes we are going through
119. Sweet sleep when we can get it
120. for the in-laws being here our first week home
121. For Linda and Carol being there to support and help during delivery and the first couple of days at the hospital
122. God's provision for us through wonderful friends bringing food and coffee!
123. that Graham got to meet his grandparents so soon after his birth
124. For wisdom and patience at the hospital in regards to breastfeeding and caring for our boy
125. Little moments of prayer w/ Alisha - usually tear filled asking for strength, patience, peace and rest
126. Technology like Skype so that other members of our families and our friends can meet our little boy
127. Comfy clothes and rainy fall days
128. Heat and a nice cozy house
129. Cameras to capture special moments w/ our boy
130. Strong and patient wife who cares for our son and feeds him (continually) :)
131. Good relationships w/ my in-laws (can't take it for granted!)
132. The anticipation of Thanksgiving and Christmas - and Advent!
Photo Card
Sunday, November 6, 2011
It's been hard for me too, as I do in fact want him here, but there's nothing I can really do about it right now (if I'm wanting this to progress naturally, which I do). So when I can see the disappointment in other people's faces every day he's not here, I feel almost responsible. I know this logically makes no sense, but believe me, with pregnancy hormones, logic doesn't matter. What has been good, however, is that even in just a few days' time, God has been using this time to teach me more about patience and His sovereignty, and for that, I am truly thankful. Knowing I really have no control over this, and knowing that God has ordained each of Graham's days from before time began, is such an amazing concept; such a humbling thing to learn. God hasn't been bound by "11/1/11" at all-He knows the exact time, day and way in which our baby boy will make his arrival into this world, and it will be beautiful, and in just the way it's supposed to be-whether that happens tonight or a week from now, it will be just as it is meant to be. We have a hope...a hope that is a confident expectation, an eager longing...knowing that at the end we will hold our bundle of joy-our son. I couldn't ask for a better longing than that.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Well...this is it!
I've been really nervous the past week or so and not quite ready for him to arrive. Partly nerves about labor, and partly nerves about having a child. Jim and I have both been struggling with this I think, and it shows itself in different ways. Sometimes we spend money and don't care-like going out to eat when we really should cook at home; sometimes in letting house chores go and just wanting to "have fun", or doing the opposite-not relaxing and focusing only on working. Either way, it's avoidance manifesting itself in some form. Which equates to giving into fear and anxiety and not trusting God. We've both realized this and are learning to rest in the truth that He loves us, loves Graham and will provide everything we need, and sustain us through this change.
106. Time to rest
107. Support of friends-feeling how loved we are
108. Anticipation of the holiday season
109. Possibility of snow-even though it didn't come, the waiting was exciting
110. Gorgeous fall colors
111. Taking time to enjoy simple pleasures
112. Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall
113. Provision-in time, money and resources
114. Time spent with friends that will provide memories to last
115. Coffee and rummy games-some things will always be fun. :)
Monday, October 3, 2011
We have been so busy the last 2 weeks, I feel like I've run a marathon. I'm sure it doesn't help that just walking from the chair to the bathroom makes me feel like I need to stop and breathe for a minute-seriously, if you ever want to increase your level of fitness in a quick manner, just strap on an extra 30 lbs of weight right around your midsection. You'll be amazed. On second thought, you may pull something, so don't do that. Besides, you really can't get the full effect of pregnancy without little feet up in your ribs, peeing all the time and maybe getting 2 hours straight of sleep before having to wake up again.
OK...not complaining, really. I have loved being pregnant. (I have some friends who may hate me for saying that) Only in the last couple of weeks have I started to get really uncomfortable, between the lessening space in my womb and the lessening space in all of my shoes as my feet stay puffy. But overall, it's been a great experience, one I think I'm going to miss, even though I am also really looking forward to holding our baby (and sleeping on my back, and drinking a glass of wine among other things). We've finished our birthing classes and, thankfully, Jim feels more prepared/less anxious about the experience now, although I may be more so. I hadn't been scared of labor at all before now, and I don't think I'm so much scared as I am nervous of the unknown. But, as I am reminded by lots of people, millions of women do this all the time, and I know my body is designed for this. (thanks Eve)
So, onto the list...
96. an overabundance of blessing from family and friends-3 showers in 3 weekends, we are truly blessed!
97. God's provision in so many small ways-an old bank broken open provided enough money to buy crib bedding, a boppy cover and changing pad cover!
98. Opportunities to be used to show grace, and that not of ourselves-good conversations with family
99. Crisp, cold fall mornings!!
100. Apple picking-one of the many reasons I love the area we live in
101. Restored/renewed relationships with friends
102. Seeing good friends who live too far away; thankful for friendships over miles
103. Music. Pandora, specifically. It sounds silly, but being able to listen to such a wide variety of good music for free is so wonderful.
104. My husband. Creative, hard-working and such a help during a time when just standing up tends to sap my energy some days!
105. Early, quiet mornings-waking up with the day
Off I go-time to get ready for the work day!
Monday, September 5, 2011
32 Weeks!

Graham's Nursery

Monday, August 29, 2011
Remember Sweatshirts?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I'm back!
85. a much-needed break from God's perfect timing (funding was unavailable this semester-a forced but welcome break!)
86. finishing the semester well
87. rest for my hard-working husband-a well-deserved week off!
88. sounds and smells of outdoors in the early morning
89. quiet solitude on the beach at sunrise
90. golden light on rolling waves-heavens displaying God's glory
91. trials throughout the past year-Romans 5:3-5
91. basking in the truth and beginning to understand that God is FOR me.
92. pre-storm breezes blowing through curtains
93. late summer rainstorms
94. opportunities to use skills (interpreting jobs given)
95. anticipation of coming celebrations
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Sometimes this is hard!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
5 Years of Marriage = Much to be thankful for
Alisha and I celebrated our five-year wedding anniversary last Friday! That night during dinner, we had a chance to reflect on the past year. We started this ‘exercise’ (if you will) last year where we share the top three things in various categories, such as: funniest moments, things we have learned, favorite trips, hardest times, most memorable moments, etc. This has truly been a blessing both years we have done it, and I know we will continue doing it for years to come.
I think it is important to look back and reflect, although I rarely do it. This blog is a way to reflect, a discipline I hope to internalize – reflecting on the blessings God has poured out so lavishly on our lives. I have much to be thankful for!
71. I am thankful we ended up leaving late yesterday (although it was very stressful until we arrived) because we missed a lot of traffic and an accident on 64. We would have been sitting forever in accident-traffic
72. Thankful for amazingly delicious seafood on the waterfront to celebrate 5 years of marriage
73. As strange as it sounds, I am thankful for the little lights you put up in front of a camper shaped like different things – they remind me of when I was younger and used to go camping w/ my grandparents…
74. Thankful for times of reflection and talking about the great and difficult things that happened this year
75. Thankful for some quality time w/ my parents and Megan
76. Thankful for the eye-opening experience of watching a toddler for a whole weekend
77. Thankful that my wife and I have stayed together for 5 years – through ups and downs
78. Thankful for hospitality of some good friends and yummy food!
79. Thankful for good talks with distant friends – encouraging and thought-provoking
80. Thankful for forgiveness from others when we hurt or disappoint them
Monday, August 8, 2011
O Happy Day!
Halleluia, It's done!