Monday, August 29, 2011
Remember Sweatshirts?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I'm back!
85. a much-needed break from God's perfect timing (funding was unavailable this semester-a forced but welcome break!)
86. finishing the semester well
87. rest for my hard-working husband-a well-deserved week off!
88. sounds and smells of outdoors in the early morning
89. quiet solitude on the beach at sunrise
90. golden light on rolling waves-heavens displaying God's glory
91. trials throughout the past year-Romans 5:3-5
91. basking in the truth and beginning to understand that God is FOR me.
92. pre-storm breezes blowing through curtains
93. late summer rainstorms
94. opportunities to use skills (interpreting jobs given)
95. anticipation of coming celebrations
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Sometimes this is hard!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
5 Years of Marriage = Much to be thankful for
Alisha and I celebrated our five-year wedding anniversary last Friday! That night during dinner, we had a chance to reflect on the past year. We started this ‘exercise’ (if you will) last year where we share the top three things in various categories, such as: funniest moments, things we have learned, favorite trips, hardest times, most memorable moments, etc. This has truly been a blessing both years we have done it, and I know we will continue doing it for years to come.
I think it is important to look back and reflect, although I rarely do it. This blog is a way to reflect, a discipline I hope to internalize – reflecting on the blessings God has poured out so lavishly on our lives. I have much to be thankful for!
71. I am thankful we ended up leaving late yesterday (although it was very stressful until we arrived) because we missed a lot of traffic and an accident on 64. We would have been sitting forever in accident-traffic
72. Thankful for amazingly delicious seafood on the waterfront to celebrate 5 years of marriage
73. As strange as it sounds, I am thankful for the little lights you put up in front of a camper shaped like different things – they remind me of when I was younger and used to go camping w/ my grandparents…
74. Thankful for times of reflection and talking about the great and difficult things that happened this year
75. Thankful for some quality time w/ my parents and Megan
76. Thankful for the eye-opening experience of watching a toddler for a whole weekend
77. Thankful that my wife and I have stayed together for 5 years – through ups and downs
78. Thankful for hospitality of some good friends and yummy food!
79. Thankful for good talks with distant friends – encouraging and thought-provoking
80. Thankful for forgiveness from others when we hurt or disappoint them
Monday, August 8, 2011
O Happy Day!
Halleluia, It's done!